Wednesday 20 November 2013


The closest you're likely to get to space...

Firstly, apologies for the hiatus, I have been unable to get to the cinema for a while and as such couldn't review anything. However, I managed to find time yesterday to go to my local Cineworld and check out Gravity. 

The wait between films was worth it for this! 

I had heard a lot of hype for this film, all bigging it up to be the greatest sci-fi/ thriller/ space film ever made. Those are big boots to fill! Given that Alien, Apollo 13 and Space Odyssey are all in that category this film had to be something special. 

I was not disappointed.

Everything about this film screamed perfection, so much so that I even chose to watch it in 3D, something I usually avoid as I feel it is just a gimmick and adds nothing to the film at all. In this case, it adds everything! The film has limited music, very little sound at all in fact, just as there would be in space. Amazingly, this creates incredible tension. Usually music is the directors trick to force tension, the right piece of music can make an audience feel suspense, fear, joy etc. In Gravity, the lack of music leaves you feeling on edge. The silence is overwhelming. You are meant to feel like you are in space. 

The entire film is designed to make you feel like you are up there with them. The 3D really allows the perspective of how minuscule and alone the astronauts really are whilst up there, and how vulnerable they all are when doing their jobs.

The CGI is beautiful. It is the only chance I will ever have to see Earth in the way an astronaut does and experience what they experience. It is stunning. Finished to the highest quality and difficult to tell you aren't really seeing this from a genuine persons perspective and you are in fact sat in a cinema screen.

Some of the best scenes are when the audience finds themselves inside Sandra Bullock's helmet looking out as if we were seeing through her eyes. Hearing the noises from inside the helmet, her breathing, the echo, seeing the reflection of the visor. It is done superbly and really takes the audience with Dr Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and allows us to her experience her fear and anxieties throughout the film.

The story line itself is simple, survival in a shit storm. Dr Stone and Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) are working on the Hubble Telescope when the Russian's destroy one of their old satellites with a missile. This causes debris to create an orbit around Earth which then collides with other satellites which creates more debris which will make contact with Stone and Kowalski and the Explorer shuttle.

Sandra Bullock as Dr Ryan Stone

Without giving too much away, as everyone should go and see this film, we end up following a terrified Dr Stone and a dashing Matt Kowalski attempting to make their way around Earth's orbit to get to The International Space Station and make their way back to Earth.

As with other film's of this type, where complicated mechanisms are integral characters, and difficult tasks are being carried out in the film by the actors playing the roles, mistakes will have been made I am sure. The important thing there is nothing obviously wrong or faked to take anything away form the audience.

Best Actress Winner (Oscar 2010 The Blind Side), Sandra Bullock again plays a mesmerising role as Dr Stone. We begin to learn more about her back story as the film goes on, we discover her painful past and see her start to fight for her life and gain confidence. There are two particularly beautiful scenes where Stone resembles a foetus in the womb whilst experiencing zero G in an air lock and when praying to her deceased daughter just before making her final attempt to save herself. Both of these scenes show Bullock's acting ability. From simple silence being made a poignant and beautiful to an emotive dialogue being rendered with incredible passion.

Matt Kowalski (Clooney) plays his role well, he is strong and confident as an experienced astronaut would be. He is clean cut and honest, reminiscing story after story to Houston and generally being the sauce of calm for everyone else. I get the feeling the role did not stretch Clooney's acting ability but he does it well as he usually does.

 George Clooney as Kowalski

I would fully expect this film to be nominated for several awards. It will be the winner hands down of any CGI or visual based awards and Sandra Bullock may, and deservedly should, be nominated for another Best Actress award. 

The film is only 90 minutes long, another reason to go and see it in 3D as it isn't long enough to give you motion sickness or a migraine! 

The film is beautiful, emotive and as far as I am concerned realistic enough to make me feel like I was there with them.

5/5! Oscar favourite in my opinion and stunning!

Go see it.

Much love

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