Thursday 10 October 2013

My Top Ten Films

The following are my favourite films. My opinions and my choices. It's not about awards, even though there are bet picture winners here. It's about films that have moved me and I could watch again and again! If you disagree that's cool, don't bitch that my top ten is different to yours! Just post what you think and tell me why!

Here wo go...

10. Goodfellas- a fantastic gangster/ mafia film with an awesome cast and brilliant story line.

09. Crash- one of those few films which makes the crossed paths story lines and use of large numbers of characters with small parts, work. And work well! Epic musical score to go with it too which enhances all of the emotional scenes. Matt Dillon and Michael Pena both brilliant in this.

08. Philadelphia- simply amazing cast! Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington and an original score written and performed by Springsteen! It's long but worth it. Touching story and reflective of the culture at the time.

07. Godfather- Classic. Introducing characters and an epic story which surpasses generations. Al Pacino's masterpiece and one of the greatest directors of all time. And Marlon Brando gives a master class on acting! Wow!

06. Shutter Island- brilliant story line and another example of Leonardo DiCaprio showing his ability to act any role!

05. Trainspotting- mind blowing and anyone who watches this film and still chooses to try heroin is a dick.

04. American History X- frightening, shocking and touching all within a couple of hours. Ed Norton playing an anti hero you urge to reform. Showing Americas in going issues with racism. RiskeƩ plot and shocking throughout. The shower and curb scenes are the thing if legend.

03. It's A Wonderful Life- needs no bullshit opinion here. It's cheesy, tacky and could be something Disney shat out with laughable effects and griot compared to today's multiple million dollar productions but... it's heart what mingle beautiful and perfect and everything you want in a feel good Christmas film and many, many people can relate to the issues surrounding the story line.

02. Shawshank Redemption- a lot of people's number 1. A film I love and have seen many times, so many in fact I could probably do it word for word. A great cast, based in a great book from an amazing author. Directed beautifully, acted beautifully and as close to perfect as you'll get in a film. It will have you in tears and it will make you smile. You'll be angry and you'll be full of love. This film puts you through it all. I love it.

01. Batman Begins- this choice may throw people. As it's not even the best "new" batman film out of the trilogy. It has a good cast, Christian Bale and Michael Caine being the stand ours. However it's not so much how good this film is, and it is good, it's more about what this film did. It succeeded in taking a ruined DC franchise which had been ruined by tacky and comical attempts with shocking casting (Val Kilmer and Clooney)! It got rid d the camp and took batman to the dark and dirty world it is meant to reside in. Christipher Nolan saved Batman as a character and turned out a great opening effort in an amazing trilogy which only got better from here. 

So there it is! My top ten. I could have done a top thousand probably but doubt anyone would read it start to end! Like I say if you fuckers disagree do your own and let me see it!

Lots of love...

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